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This Day In History
Time travel with Birds In Focus and enjoy these photos taken over the years on April 13.

(Come back each day for a new foray into the past!)

April 13, 2021 - United States
Bachman's Sparrow Bachman's Sparrow

April 13, 2019 - United States
Black-chinned Sparrow California Towhee California Towhee
Solitary Sandpiper Lazuli Bunting Lazuli Bunting

April 13, 2018 - United States
Cactus Wren Cactus Wren Gray Hawk
Great Horned Owl Scott's Oriole White-winged Dove
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher

April 13, 2016 - United States
Black-billed Magpie Black-billed Magpie Sage Thrasher
Gunnison Sage-Grouse Gunnison Sage-Grouse Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse Gunnison Sage-Grouse Gunnison Sage-Grouse
Gunnison Sage-Grouse Gunnison Sage-Grouse

April 13, 2014 - United States
Osprey Osprey Osprey

April 13, 2014 - Tanzania
African Gray Hornbill Mourning Collared-Dove Dideric Cuckoo
Dideric Cuckoo European Honey-buzzard Gray Heron
Eurasian Hoopoe Laughing Dove Red-and-yellow Barbet
Red-and-yellow Barbet Red-and-yellow Barbet Red-and-yellow Barbet
Red-billed Oxpecker Red-billed Oxpecker Red-billed Quelea
Red-billed Quelea Ring-necked Dove Southern Ground-Hornbill
Southern Red Bishop Southern Red Bishop Southern Red Bishop
Southern Red Bishop Square-tailed Drongo Striped Kingfisher
Striped Kingfisher Tawny Eagle Von der Decken's Hornbill
White-bellied Go-away-bird White-bellied Go-away-bird White-bellied Go-away-bird
White-bellied Go-away-bird White-bellied Go-away-bird White-browed Coucal
White-browed Coucal White-browed Scrub-Robin White-browed Scrub-Robin
White-browed Sparrow-Weaver White-winged Widowbird Yellow-collared Lovebird

April 13, 2013 - United States
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken Lesser Prairie-Chicken
Western Meadowlark Western Meadowlark

April 13, 2008 - United States
Purple Gallinule Greater Prairie-Chicken Greater Prairie-Chicken

April 13, 2007 - United States
Redhead Canvasback Canvasback
Tundra Swan Canvasback Canvasback
Trumpeter Swan American Black Duck Canvasback
Lesser Scaup

April 13, 2006 - United States
Magnificent Frigatebird Brown Noddy Magnificent Frigatebird
Sooty Tern Sooty Tern Chuck-will's-widow
Brown Pelican Forster's Tern Laughing Gull
Royal Tern Royal Tern Sandwich Tern
Black-necked Stilt Lesser Yellowlegs Lesser Yellowlegs
Lesser Yellowlegs Orchard Oriole Northern Cardinal
Summer Tanager Wood Thrush Prothonotary Warbler
Prothonotary Warbler Yellow-breasted Chat Yellow-breasted Chat
Yellow-breasted Chat

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