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This Day In History
Time travel with Birds In Focus and enjoy these photos taken over the years on May 20.

(Come back each day for a new foray into the past!)

May 20, 2023 - United States
Western Grebe Lewis's Woodpecker Lewis's Woodpecker

May 20, 2019 - United Kingdom
Razorbill Common Shelduck Eurasian Oystercatcher
European Shag Graylag Goose Northern Fulmar
Northern Fulmar Northern Fulmar Northern Fulmar
Razorbill Razorbill Razorbill
Razorbill Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin Atlantic Puffin
Atlantic Puffin

May 20, 2018 - Barbados
Masked Duck Eurasian Spoonbill

May 20, 2017 - United States
Steller's Jay

May 20, 2013 - United States
Prothonotary Warbler Prothonotary Warbler Prothonotary Warbler
Swainson's Warbler Swainson's Warbler Swainson's Warbler
Swainson's Warbler Swainson's Warbler Indigo Bunting
Indigo Bunting Indigo Bunting

May 20, 2012 - Peru
Blue-throated Piping-Guan Chestnut-fronted Macaw Common Potoo
Common Potoo Common Potoo Common Potoo
Crested Oropendola Crested Oropendola Crimson-crested Woodpecker
Crimson-crested Woodpecker Green Kingfisher Green Kingfisher
Mealy Amazon Mealy Amazon Pale-winged Trumpeter
Purplish Jay Red-bellied Macaw Red-bellied Macaw
Red-bellied Macaw Spix's Guan Spix's Guan
Spix's Guan Tropical Screech-Owl Violaceous Jay

May 20, 2010 - United States
Zenaida Dove

May 20, 2007 - United States
Black Oystercatcher Chimney Swift Red-winged Blackbird
Red-winged Blackbird

May 20, 2006 - United States
Mourning Dove Eastern Phoebe Eastern Wood-Pewee
Olive-sided Flycatcher

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