Taxonomy: Order Accipitriformes >> Family Accipitridae >> Genus Buteo
Rough-legged Hawk (Unique ID: 997) Return to Last Page: Click on image |
Acquire This Photo Species: Rough-legged Hawk (Buteo lagopus) Location: ---, Kansas, United States Age: adult Plumage: basic/year-round Activity: flying Sex: --- Visibility: full body Quantity: single Photographer: David Seibel Date: December 19, 2005 Equipment: Canon EOS 20D and Canon 500mm f/4L IS Megapixels: 3.1
Notes: This bird has apparently taken up residence for the winter in the remnant prairie in southern Douglas County, Kansas. I'd seen it on both of my previous visits in November and December as I searched unsuccessfully for Short-eared Owls. Unlike Red-tailed Hawks, this bird typically sits on small branches in the top of a tree some distance away from the road. It seems very wary, usually flying away immediately if I even slow down my car, but I captured this image just after dawn when the temperature was about zero degrees Fahrenheit, and the bird didn't seem to be in as big a hurry to move.