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Location: Owlet Lodge, Abra Patricia

Band-tailed Pigeonborder= Swallow-tailed Nightjarborder= Long-tailed Sylphborder= Sword-billed Hummingbirdborder=
Sword-billed Hummingbirdborder= Fawn-breasted Brilliantborder= Fawn-breasted Brilliantborder= White-bellied Woodstarborder=
White-bellied Woodstarborder= Many-spotted Hummingbirdborder= Cinnamon Screech-Owlborder= Cinnamon Screech-Owlborder=
Golden-headed Quetzalborder= White-faced Nunbirdborder= Ochre-fronted Antpittaborder= Olivaceous Woodcreeperborder=
Chestnut-crowned Becardborder= Inca Flycatcherborder= Inca Flycatcherborder= Johnson's Tody-Flycatcherborder=
Olive Flycatcherborder= Blue-and-white Swallowborder= Bar-winged Wood-Wrenborder=

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